November Spotlight Artist Amanda Baledge

TPF Certification Course

We first met Amanda back in 2017 and we just loved having her in our course! We have seen her business grow and also her family... she's now a 3 boy Mom! We remember getting a secret call from her husband signing her up for the course. He was so excited for her and it was a surprise. She has worked really hard to make her business based in Louisiana,  A Pristine Beauty successful. We are so proud of her!! You can learn more about Amanda by email at , 225-678-4862. Be sure to visit her social media is @apristinebeauty, Facebook for the most beautiful pictures!

What is your background? I am a small town girl that grew up doing fair and festival pageants. Between pageants and my mom who was a cosmetologist I was always around hair and makeup. Although I didn't grow up wanting to be a makeup artist or even have that much interest in makeup until my late teens. But now that I am a full time boy mom (3 boys) I am thankful for my makeup and hair career. It definitely allows me to still have my girly side of life. 
What made you decide to be a makeup artist? I have always said, "it just happened because it's what God had in store for me." It's actually a really long story but to make it short.. After falling very I'll two weeks before my wedding and then a few months later losing my job that my degree is in, makeup gave me something to do and brought me joy during that year and a half of my life. I would get friends and family ready for special events. God then healed me and at that point in my life I decided to become a full time makeup artist. So I could help provide an income for my growing family and stay home and raise my boys. It's been such a blessing. 

TPF Certification Course

What are some of the questions you need to ask yourself before you decide to be a makeup artist? I feel like this is a hard question. I think this profession is sometimes undervalued. It takes a lot of hard work and a ton of hours to be a successful makeup artist. I definitely think it's something that can be taught but I also believe the best makeup artists are simply artistic people. If you have a love for art, have artistic ability and are willing to put in blood sweat and tears then it's absolutely worth it! I love my job and super thankful for it! 
Tell us about your business- A Pristine Beauty is a hair and makeup team. I have two other artist that work along side me for weddings and special events. I couldn't do all that I do without Bailey and Billie. They are both incredibly talented and my success is also their success. We travel all over the state of Louisiana and to many other states for weddings. I do have a small studio attached to my home for when I have clients that need a place to get pampered.
TPF Certification Course
What has been your favorite event/client so far? I honestly do not believe I can answer this. How could I ever pick a favorite? I remember each wedding like it was yesterday. I am always meeting that most incredible people and gaining new friendships along the way. A Pristine Beauty wouldn't exist without each and every client. But weddings aside doing makeup at Miss USA for TPF Cosmetics is definitely at the TOP of the list. 
How did you learn about The Perfect Face? Pageants!! TPF Cosmetics is the makeup sponsor for Miss Louisiana and Teen USA. The first time my sister compete she met Danielle! We've been hooked on her products ever since. 
What made you decide to take the certification course? When I decided to become a full time makeup artist I knew I wanted to learn from one of the best of the best. When I heard about her course I just knew I needed to take it. It was a wedding anniversary gift from my husband. He has always supported my career. 

TPF Certification Course

Tell us about meeting Danielle for the first time- I actually met Danielle at a mother/daughter seminar at The Makeup Show years back. She was so friendly and just one of the most genuine people I have ever met. Now I am blessed to consider her a friend and we usually have a "son/mom" playdate once a year. 
What did you like about the course? The course was life changing. Definitely career changing. I wouldn't be the makeup artist I am today without it. I loved meeting the other artist starting their careers. Choosing business names together and learning all things makeup. 

TPF Certification Course

Would you recommend this course to other students? Absolutely, without a doubt. If you listen, absorb and put into action everything you learn it jump start your career. 
Any upcoming events you will be attending? We do not have any events coming up. We have 7 more weddings to wrap up 2021 and only have 7 spots left for 2022. We are just enjoying the wedding industry and being a small part of a brides big day. 

Thank you so much Amanda for sharing your experience and photo's with us. We truly wish you the best!! If you are interested in becoming a makeup artist please contact us at so we can answer any questions you might have. You can also see what TPF Certification offers by heading over to our website

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